Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


First of all, this blogsite now allows comments from all visitors so feel free to leave a comment if the mood strikes you!!

Second, I know everyone has been eagerly awaiting a picture of the completed "Miniature Zen Garden" and I am happy to report that it is complete and has been thriving on my deck. I decided to plant creeping chamomile for my "ground cover" which is extremely unruly and needs to be groomed regularly BUT I am really looking forward to the super-cute little flowers that are said to bloom in June-July. I will post a pic of that as well. Here is the current state of my "Miniature Zen Garden":

Lastly, on my last blog regarding running "Race...euphoria" I mentioned a planned 10K on Mother's Day. Well, I ended up running a 5K with my 11 year old daughter (who won a silver medal for her age group!) BUT I am planning a 10K either June 4th and/or June 11th - so please check back for a report there!!

Thanks for taking the time to visit our little blog and Karen, I think that you are due for some blogging anytime now!!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

When life gets in the way of...life.

So, what are we all moving towards...or at least attempting to move towards? What state of being is the state of being? For me, I think it is that time when you can endeavor your soul. When you can follow those flights of creativity to their completion. It is when you can create your own reality. Change your surroundings, adding things that indulge your senses. But sometimes life gets in the way. We achieve glimpses of our own perfect state, and then life takes us away from it to deal with inconvenient, annoying, and often dreadful circumstances. And we grieve and long for our ideal reality.

Or perhaps, we don't even know what that state is. So you are just searching. Trying to connect and identify what you see as your own future. Or what you want to see. Or what you think you deserve to see. And it can become muddled and distorted and eventually become the cause of your own misery resulting from your own, created, state. And then, perhaps rather than reclaiming your life and exerting control over your own circumstance to whatever extent you are capable, you deny yourself further by numbing the bitter taste of that miserable reality that is so far from what you could ever want for yourself, but it becomes a cycle, a pattern, that inevitably repeats and changing things is somehow just beyond your grasp.

But once you achieve that vision, that vision of your future that reflects a peaceful inner state and an ideal reality then you have something to move towards. So you feel like you are on your way, and then life occurs and you have to stop and deal with it regardless of any quest you were on. So, I guess that's life and you deal with it and then you get back to what really matters to you - to obtaining your vision, or to defining it.