Tuesday, May 16, 2006


First of all, this blogsite now allows comments from all visitors so feel free to leave a comment if the mood strikes you!!

Second, I know everyone has been eagerly awaiting a picture of the completed "Miniature Zen Garden" and I am happy to report that it is complete and has been thriving on my deck. I decided to plant creeping chamomile for my "ground cover" which is extremely unruly and needs to be groomed regularly BUT I am really looking forward to the super-cute little flowers that are said to bloom in June-July. I will post a pic of that as well. Here is the current state of my "Miniature Zen Garden":

Lastly, on my last blog regarding running "Race...euphoria" I mentioned a planned 10K on Mother's Day. Well, I ended up running a 5K with my 11 year old daughter (who won a silver medal for her age group!) BUT I am planning a 10K either June 4th and/or June 11th - so please check back for a report there!!

Thanks for taking the time to visit our little blog and Karen, I think that you are due for some blogging anytime now!!!


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